Yew mantle clock. Each clock is unique. 100mm clock face. Range from 35 euro to 100 euro
Skeleton Clock. 160mm clock face. Made from different woods. Finished with oil. Dimensions 400mm high and 180mm wide. 130 euro
Ebonisied Ash Wall Mounted Clock. Dimensions 250mm diameter x 65mm depth. Beaded,texturned,ebonisied and finished with white liming wax. 130 euro
Ash Wall Mounted Clock. Dimensions 250mm diameter x 65mm depth. Beaded and finished with finishing oil. 110 euro
Walnut and Ash Laminated Candle Stands. Dimensions 200mm height x 85mm width. Solid ash and walnut laminated with candledish. Finished with woodfinished oil. 45 euro single and 90 euro for the pair.
Ebonisied and Gilded Ash Candlesticks. Dimenisions 240mm height x 65mm width. Made from solid ash ebonisied and gilded with brass inserts. 40 euro single and 80 euro for the pair.
Mixed candlesticks. Dimensions from 180mm height x 65mm width to 270mm x 65mm width. From 28 euro to 34 euro.
Pair of Ash candlesticks. Finished with oil. 220mm high x 150mm wide. Can be made from flamened beech. 90 euro for the pair
Spalted Ash candlesticks. Finished with oil. 220mm high x 150mm wide. Can be made from flamened beech. 45 euro
Skeleton Clock. Made from ash,yew and oak. 130 euro.